Link: Seth's Blog: The top 1,000 things to know.
Seth Godin, as often, has posted a fascinating topic for conversation. As an empty nest mother of two, this is one of the questions I asked myself as they walked out the door.
Some practical things I would add to his list:
How to run a checkbook and pay bills.
How to handle problems...from leaks in the ceiling to people problems.
People skills for the real world.
What to do when you know you are right, but the "powers that be" don't agree.
How to maintain your sanity, when all around you are losing theirs.
How to care for, laundry, basic household skills.
How to find the information you need when you don't have the knowledge.
How to write a resume and conduct yourself in a job interview.
How to love all people.
There's more. But that's a good start.
Happy Holidays!