I was watching CNN this morning, and they said that sales of Pinot Noir are up by 20-50 percent in many areas. And that in Santa Barbara CA, traffic at the wineries is up by more than 100 percent!!
What's that all about? The movie Sideways.
People are taking the advice of a fictional character, and flocking to drink Pinot Noir (now that they know how to pronounce it.)
Got me to thinking....if I were selling a product...would it be worthwhile getting someone to write a movie around it? I know you can already pay for product placement. Did you think it was a coincidence that Special K was prominently placed on the kitchen table in a movie breakfast scene, or that a character mentions the brand of their sneakers? No...it's a paid for subtle advertisement.
But back to my conjecture...having a screenplay written around an industry or product. So if I want to sell accounting services, I could write a screenplay about a sexy accountant. Make sure the female lead croons over and over again about how accountants are the best. Or maybe a comedy about a designer who uses paper towels creatively to decorate homes would be a boon the the paper towel industry. I think I am on to something here! Do you have suggestions for a screenplay or television pilot to promote a product?
Robocop xray vision-like sunnies to see through clothing in a semi soft porn type of series. The female lead will use the sunnies to judge the men and if the package is right, would proceed to chat them up and sleep with them later. Meanwhile she would save the world from catastrophes such as tiny or limp packages that desperately need help.
Posted by: suanie | February 05, 2005 at 12:12 AM