Link: Customer Data Lost, Citigroup Unit Says.
In a June article by Jonathan Krim, a Washington Post Staff Writer, he writes that "A unit of financial services giant Citigroup Inc. said yesterday that a box of computer tapes with account information for 3.9 million customers had been lost in shipment, exposing a vast new swath of Americans to the increased possibility of identity theft."
Let's face it...we are all vulnerable to identity theft. Every time we give out our social security number, or credit card number, or fill out a form online that includes our date of birth and mother's maiden name, or some other personal information, we open ourselves up for theft. A hassle and a pain to be sure, but that doesn't stop us.
Now lest you think I am about to rant on this topic...let me assure you that I am not. Instead, I am on a rant about identity loss. Because Identity theft just removes your financial indentity. But so many people have lost who they are.
That's right...identity loss...the condition wherein a person has lost her or himself to the roles that they play, or to the demands that society and responsbility apparently pose upon them. To the extent that they give up on who they really are: their dreams, their passions, their joy. All lost.